Welcome to Mediros Clinical Solutions
Mediros Clinical Solutions is a premium provider of neuropsychotherapy Workshops in Australia. More than 10,000 psychologists, academics and other health professionals have attended our workshops to date.
Neuropsychotherapy is an exciting science, not least because of the recognition that significant changes occur for clients in neural firing and neural structure as result of talking therapies. All the workshops have skills-based, practical applications and focus on utilising neurobiological information in therapy to enhance treatment outcomes and ultimately, to assist in client’s brains.
Neuropsychotherapy is the “language” used in the interaction between the clinician and the client to guide the client in the process of restructuring the brain towards higher levels of functioning and well-being. It uses information from neurosciences to assists clients suffering from a wide range of physiological, psychological and social/spiritual challenges to apply strategies to shift cortical blood flow away from unhelpful neural looping (being constantly worried, depressed etc.). It provides the neurobiological underpinnings of a wide range of approaches like Person-centred therapies, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, CBT, Gestalt therapy, Schema therapy, Analytical therapies etc.
Understanding the neurophysiology of presenting problems/pathologies and the activation patterns of neural pathways as well as discussing practical applications, assist clinicians greatly to apply more effective strategies to treat them.
Advances in neurobiological research supported by neural imaging studies indicate how adverse experiences affect the brain. These findings indicate the effect of severe stress (emotional and/or physical) on brain functioning, neural firing and ultimately neural structure.
Recent research indicate that talking therapies significantly enhance positive behavior, brain functioning and even brain structure especially in the prefrontal cortex regions, orbito frontal cortex, anterior cyngulate gyrus, hippocampus and amygdala.
The neurobiological effect of talking therapies with emphasis on neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, opened new perspectives for therapeutic interventions – the emerging paradigm of Neuropsychotherapy.